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Exploring forest life in blue

Gabrielė Kuizinaitė

Gabrielė Kuizinaitė is an international contemporary visual artist, curator, project manager, art journalist and gallerist. She lives and creates in Kaunas, in Lithuania. In 2003 she graduated at the Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of Arts; since then she started to become interested in photography arts and visuals arts. From 2005 till 2007 she worked on a master’s degree student at Vilnius academy of Arts at UNESCO cathedra department and earned master’s degree in cultural management and administration fields. Since 2019 she started to create pictures and since 2020, she is a member of international galleries and institutions. She organized 4 personal exhibitions and 85 international exhibitions in different countries: in Paris, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Greece, and other countries too.

At moment my strong activity is with Lithuanian artists and my gallery. My publication about my art was shown in contemporary art magazines, such as in AL tiba 9 contemporary art magazine and in Gooddessarts Magazine in Germany.

My creation shows important stories about forest life. This series is about blue forests. In this series I am presenting 10-15 pictures about story telling related to nature. During the creation of these pictures, I am trying to create two worlds between different people. Art for me is like a therapeutic message. For me rhythm, form, and color are important. In this series I use mixed digital arts and textile arts techniques and I generate blue colors and different color patterns.

I am creating pictures every day and, in these pictures, I am exploring how abstract photography is connected with forest and experimental painting. I am focusing on a unique composition and I am trying to tell authentic stories about forests. This experimental textile and digital series are related to environmental issues and the time we live in now. There are important experimental abstract cycles, some keys elements, rhythms, fabula, and artistic actions.

For me the pictures represent important life and forest spaces, and they express important experiences and perspectives in my art.

In these pictures I depict scenarios and ideas about connection. In these personal stories, everything is shown artistically: moral and ideological viewpoints. These cycles are very important daily metaphors about forest life. GabrieleKuizinaite

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