I'm Erika Peron de Paiva. I'm not sure the origin of my genetic material. I was adopted in Brazil, the country where I was born, by a family of Italian origin (mother) and Spanish (father) and I was registered as a legitimate daughter. I know that I have their spiritual DNA. What I can say with certainty is that I had a lot of love and an extraordinary extra physical connection with both of them, but especially with my mother. Our connection was so extraordinary that we communicated by telepathy, and it doesn't stop there, I have 2 uncles and cousins who are adopted and it is only because of this support that I am an artist today. My parents, being older, left this existence exists very early (for me) and since then it is with the support of my family that the love I grew up with still hugs me.

In my family, everyone was very white with light eyes, and I, a brunette with curly hair. My nickname? Pretinha.... I think I started to be enchanted with the nuances since then...
Art has resided in me since I was a child. I grew up in this beautiful family surrounded by the art exhaled by the great Maestro Peron, from the Philharmonic Orchestra of Visconde do Rio Branco/MG/Brazil. On all commemorative dates, I did my art on cards with unique paintings for each member of the family, spending hours in my imaginary world inside my children's studio.
I have always been in love with nature in all its universal aspects, and also with all the kingdoms of our planet: plant, mineral and animal, within the latter, I have a special interest for the human nature, which intrigues me the most, with its challenges and developments.
After living 4 years in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, photographing for Green Peace at the Amazon Friendly City Project, I was led through life in this dimension, due to a serious degenerative disease, to experience an intense process of a journey into the depths of the my being through the pain and physical immobility imposed by my body. Somehow, it feels like I went through a portal, and after 3 years, some spinal surgeries and an intense process of physical therapy, I started walking again and in this process of rebuilding myself, self-healing and self-transmuting I found myself with the Liquid Crystal Ninth Dimension, which, during a canalization, art came as an answer.

Now I'm 50 years old, but it feels like I've just been born! And I can only be very grateful for having dear friends who always support me: two are like brothers - I know it's a gathering of souls, who are my reference of unconditional love in this life-, a partner who is a great artist, a beautiful and beloved daughter and two grandchildren who are my passions and João and Luiza (My Father's Names of my Mother), and now, in my Sconde Life, I left advertising, a profession in which I worked for some years, and, supported by my family and friends, I decided to dedicate myself exclusively to Art in order to experience and develop this Gift that has resided in me for a long time, and thus be able to fundamentally express the values that constitute me today.

Beauty fascinates me, the strange beauty that springs from pain and love, is also the same that captures for reflection and self-transmutes beings through the connection with the most intimate feeling, of art, of those who serve as an instrument of catalyst and those who observe it, and thus, also serve as an instrument of transformation, as I believe that only by transforming ourselves that we can transform the world in which we live.
My works seek to find the nature of plants on our planet and multidimensional planets, I believe that due to the animism of the times I lived in the Amazon, and also to find the consciential nature that deeply inhabits each being.
As a teenager I studied Chemistry at CEFET (Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais), I did not pursue this path, but the passion for Atomic, Organic and Inorganic Chemical reactions has always accompanied me, and today I experiment and apply various mixtures, components and catalysts. Basically, I work with acrylic polymers, but I am always mixing… with; Oil, Gouache, Watercolor, Pastel, Spray… well, I don't stick to anything, I wouldn't be attached to a specific technique. I like to experiment and just like life, sometimes I think I'm in control, sometimes I like to flow with chance and the viscosity of events.
These mixtures of artistic material and sometimes even industrial uses lead me to an unusual trip, sometimes unexpected and improbable. I think it's important to reframe, reinvent. The result? Intensity! With colors, textures and emotions, where forms of quantum beings are constantly revealed.

My paintings come with channeled messages from beings from different worlds, and when the person buys the painting, he receives the message that came to him, as a surprise. Always when the person gets the message, they reply saying that the message spoke to his heart, many times it doesn't make sense to me, but for the person who receives it, it always does, so I learned to trust, and as strange as it may seem to me, I write and send it. I hope to fulfill my main dream, which is to contribute so that other beings who are here, awaken their essence, which is to bring the art, beauty and knowledge of Liquid Crystal to the greatest number of people, through colors, flowers and the channeled messages that accompany my screens.
My New VOXELS MULTIVERSE Collection is an invitation to reflection…
Connecting with the point of creation of your source of life, feeling its movement, transmuting voxel values, feeling like the multidimensional being that we actually are, flowing along this path through “colors” and “non-colors”, “shapes ” and “no forms” at the same time, because duality and time are illusions. In reality, everything is “ONE”… It aims to awaken in each one the art of allowing a deep journey into oneself. I offer the works in this collection as catalyzing portals for these possible paths.
When I decided that art was going to guide my life, I moved to a house-studio, with plenty of space, as I paint large formats. I work surrounded by a beautiful garden, on a paradisiacal beach in Porto das Dunas, Northeast of Brazil. Now, I throw myself entirely in the paintings through the colors and shapes of my inner self. I try to express imaginary worlds and bring reflection, beauty and joy to people.
Erika Peron
Instagram: @erikaperonart
Facebook: Erika Peron